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Tree Trimming

Huntingdon Valley Tree Trimming

Tree Trimming Specialists Serving Bucks, Montgomery, Mercer, and Hunterdon Counties

Proper tree trimming helps keep your property’s trees safe, healthy, and beautiful. Our arborists at Willow Tree and Landscape Services will make sure your trees are trimmed right. 

Our family-owned and -operated company has been providing expert Huntingdon Valley tree trimming services since 1983. Our ISA-certified arborists have the knowledge and experience to inspect your property and determine the appropriate tree trimming strategies. All trimming is performed according to the highest standards by our well-trained, experienced, and skilled crews. We will treat your property like it’s our own, and you can always expect prompt, friendly, and personalized service.

Not sure if your trees need trimming? Request a free inspection and quote by calling (215) 607-6321 or contacting us online today!

How Often Should I Schedule Tree Trimming?

Generally, we recommended to scheduling tree trimming every three to five years for most tree species. However, this can vary depending on the species, health, and growth rate of your trees. Fast-growing species may require more frequent trimming to control their size and shape.

Ideally, you should schedule tree trimming during the late fall or winter months when most trees are in a dormant state. Trimming during this period minimizes stress on the trees, as they are not actively growing and can easily recover. Additionally, the lack of leaves allows for a clearer view of the tree structure, enabling more precise trimming. However, specific timing can vary based on species. Our Huntingdon Valley tree trimming specialists can provide tailored advice on your trees’ unique needs. 

Why Tree Trimming Is Important

Tree trimming is about more than keeping your landscape looking great. Professional tree trimming is also essential for maintaining the health and safety of your property.  

Benefits of professional tree trimming include:

  • Protecting the health of trees. By removing diseased, damaged, or dead branches, you help prevent the spread of decay and infections that can compromise a tree's structural integrity. Regular trimming also allows for better air circulation and sunlight penetration throughout the tree's canopy, essential factors for the photosynthesis process and overall growth. Furthermore, by eliminating overcrowded or competing branches, trees are less likely to suffer from stress, making them more resilient against pests, diseases, and adverse weather conditions. Properly maintained trees are healthier and stronger. They also tend to enjoy a longer lifespan. 
  • Enhanced safety. Overgrown or damaged branches can pose a serious risk during severe weather conditions, such as high winds and storms, potentially causing property damage or injury. By proactively trimming these hazardous branches, the risk of falling limbs can be substantially reduced. Additionally, proper tree maintenance helps prevent the growth of weak branches that are more likely to break and fall. Removing branches that are too close to power lines mitigates the risk of power outages and electrical fires. Put simply, regular tree trimming is a preventative measure that protects people, property, and power lines, ensuring a safer environment for everyone.
  • Improved aesthetics. Beyond the practical benefits, professional tree trimming can significantly enhance the aesthetic appeal of your landscape. A well-maintained tree with a balanced structure and healthy foliage serves as a striking focal point in any garden or yard. Trimming shapes trees into pleasing forms, removes irregularities, and promotes a neat, cohesive appearance across your landscape. This attention to detail can increase the overall curb appeal of your property, making it more attractive to visitors or potential buyers. Additionally, our professional arborists can tailor trimming practices to highlight the unique features of each tree, such as the texture of the bark, the color of the leaves, or the shape of the canopy, thereby enhancing the natural beauty of your outdoor space.

Signs Your Trees Need Trimming

If you have never scheduled professional tree trimming, it is never too late to start! Understanding common signs of tree-related trouble and completing routine visual inspections of your property’s trees can help you determine when timely trimming is necessary. 

You may need our Huntingdon Valley tree trimming services if you discover any of the following problems:

  • Dead or broken branches. One of the most apparent signs that a tree needs trimming is the presence of dead or broken branches. These branches can be hazardous if left unchecked, as they are prone to falling during strong winds or storms, posing a risk to people, property, and power lines.
  • Diseased limbs. Trees affected by disease often have discolored leaves, cankers, or rotting wood. Trimming diseased limbs early can help halt the spread of disease and prevent it from reaching other parts of the tree or adjacent trees. In some cases, dying trees may need to be removed
  • Overgrowth. If a tree's branches are touching your home, blocking pathways, or obstructing views, the tree needs to be trimmed. Overgrown trees can cause damage to structures and pose safety risks by hindering visibility.
  • Poor structure. Trees with an uneven growth pattern or weakly attached branches have a poor structure, making them more susceptible to damage under stress from wind or weight. Professional trimming can help shape the tree and strengthen its structure.
  • Lack of sunlight and air circulation. A dense canopy that blocks sunlight from reaching the interior sections or the ground below hampers the healthy growth of the tree and surrounding plant life. Similarly, a lack of air circulation within the canopy can promote the growth of fungi and pests. Proper trimming opens up the canopy to allow light and air to penetrate more effectively.
  • Rubbing or crossing branches. Branches that cross or rub against each other can create wounds in the bark, which serve as entry points for pests and diseases. Removing these conflicting branches helps protect the tree’s health.
  • Pest infestations. The presence of pests can be a sign that your tree is vulnerable or already damaged. Certain pests are attracted to weak or dying branches. Early trimming of such branches can prevent pests from causing further damage and spreading to healthy parts of the tree or even to other nearby trees. 

Think one or more of your trees may need trimming? Discuss your concerns with our Huntingdon Valley tree trimming specialists today by calling (215) 607-6321 or contacting us online.

How We Trim Trees

Our professional arborists at Willow Tree and Landscape Services employ a variety of advanced techniques and tools to ensure that tree trimming is done safely, efficiently, and with the utmost care for each tree's health and aesthetics. We begin with a thorough assessment of the tree's condition, taking into consideration its species, size, and health as well as the specific reasons for trimming. 

One key technique we consistently use is the selective removal of parts of the tree, such as branches, buds, or roots, to improve the tree's structure, enhance its health, and minimize safety risks. This involves precise cuts that take into account the way trees heal, aiming to minimize damage and encourage quick recovery. Our professionals generally make use of the "three-cut method" for removing large branches. This involves making two preliminary cuts to prevent the bark from tearing, followed by a final cut close to the trunk or main limb to promote proper healing.

In addition to the removal of dead, diseased, or dangerous branches, our team focuses on thinning the canopy to increase air and sunlight penetration. This is done carefully to avoid over-thinning, which can stress the tree. We also practice crown raising, to increase clearance beneath trees, and crown reduction, to decrease the height or spread of a tree, when necessary.

Safety is paramount during tree trimming operations – both for our crews and your property. Our team uses harnesses, helmets, and other personal protective equipment, alongside ropes and pulleys, to safely access and remove tree limbs. For higher or more complex jobs, we may use our crane to reach the canopy safely. 

After trimming, our professionals will ensure that all cuts are clean and properly made to facilitate healing and prevent disease. We will then carefully dispose of the removed material and meticulously clean up your property. 

Our Team in Action

We Treat Your Property Like Our Own
Want the best tree trimming service in town? Contact us today to get your FREE quote!